
Saturday 22 May 2010

Should Be Banned Facebook ?

This century is a century full of progress of science and technology. One evidence of sophisticated technology that is Facebook. What is Facebook ? We know that Facebook is one of the social utility that connects people with friends and other in everywhere. In one hand, Facebook presence gives a lot of benefits. For example, we have many friends from all over the world. Proverb says “Thousand friends still less one enemy is too many.” With many of our friends can each take up the slack. We realize that everyone sure have disabilities. If someone thinks positive, often have suggestions from friends and then want to try to do something, so, he will be successful person. The Key points, is grateful for the benefits of Facebook, used as capital to achieve the high ideals.
Whereas the presence of facebook on the other hand has a lot of imbalances. Especially young generation hit. For examples lazy to study, don’t concentrate, even worse due to a deprave Facebook. Perhaps we often hear in the media, many students of junior high become sexual abuse because they often online on Facebook.
If Yes, how the fate of Indonesia in the future? However, today's youth is the hope in the future. As hadits the Prophet said

“Youth of today are leaders in the future”

Long time, Dutch fester in our beloved country. For long time, Japan colonize in Indonesia. A hundred even a thousand hero died in the war for independence. Now, Indonesia have independenced, it’s time for us to continue and fill this independence with positive and useful things.
We don’t want if this independence filled by the people which have bad attitude, right ?
So, what do we now ? The answer is depend of Iman and Taqwa. If we are clever to use it well, Facebook prevence exactly used by positive things.
But, on the other hand, if we are not clever to use it, it is sign of destruction. So, Facebook prevence is an exam for Godly and believes religiously people.


deep yudha said...

Great ! I agree with you, may be at the next Universary of Nedusi celebration you have to arrange new program .That's "writting new status on FB competition", what is your opinion about that's idea ?

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